The Dow Jones industrial average continued climbing on Friday, notching its third straight week of gains. The Dow rose 73.11 points, or 0.59 percent, to 12,391.25, its highest close since June 5, 2008.
Basic stamp untouched by postage rate hike
Postage rates are going up April 17. The good news is that the basic 44-cent rate for first-class mail stays the same.
The Postal Service announced Friday that price changes it announced last month have been approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission. The increases will affect international mail, postcards, advertising mail and heavy letters.
GM, Chrysler roll out incentives this month
General Motors and Chrysler are offering attractive national automotive deals this month, reports 's True Market Value Deals of the Month.
GM's Cadillac brand is offering $7,000 dealer cash on 2011 DTS and STS sedans. The automaker is also offering dealer cash incentives of $5,000 and $4,000 on 2011 Chevy Impalas and HHRs, respectively.
Hoping to capitalize on its Super Bowl buzz, Chrysler is offering low financing or $750 cash back for the Chrysler 200.
Employment rises at U.S. airlines in Dec.
Employment at U.S. airlines rose 0.2 percent in December, the first time since June 2008 that passenger carriers created more jobs to keep pace with rising demand for travel.
Hiring by companies such as Delta Air Lines Inc . is starting to show up in data from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, which said Friday that the industry work force climbed to 379,651 from 378,953 a year earlier.
The job loss streak was the second-longest for U.S. airlines since government tracking began in 1990.
Pulte CFO to retire at end of successor search
PulteGroup Inc. said Friday that Chief Financial Officer Roger Cregg will retire later this year once a successor is named.
The Bloomfield Hills-based company said it has hired the search firm Heidrick & Struggles to identify candidates to replace Cregg. The 54-year-old's departure date is uncertain, spokesman Travis Parman said.
Basic stamp untouched by postage rate hike
Postage rates are going up April 17. The good news is that the basic 44-cent rate for first-class mail stays the same.
The Postal Service announced Friday that price changes it announced last month have been approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission. The increases will affect international mail, postcards, advertising mail and heavy letters.
GM, Chrysler roll out incentives this month
General Motors and Chrysler are offering attractive national automotive deals this month, reports 's True Market Value Deals of the Month.
GM's Cadillac brand is offering $7,000 dealer cash on 2011 DTS and STS sedans. The automaker is also offering dealer cash incentives of $5,000 and $4,000 on 2011 Chevy Impalas and HHRs, respectively.
Hoping to capitalize on its Super Bowl buzz, Chrysler is offering low financing or $750 cash back for the Chrysler 200.
Employment rises at U.S. airlines in Dec.
Employment at U.S. airlines rose 0.2 percent in December, the first time since June 2008 that passenger carriers created more jobs to keep pace with rising demand for travel.
Hiring by companies such as Delta Air Lines Inc . is starting to show up in data from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, which said Friday that the industry work force climbed to 379,651 from 378,953 a year earlier.
The job loss streak was the second-longest for U.S. airlines since government tracking began in 1990.
Pulte CFO to retire at end of successor search
PulteGroup Inc. said Friday that Chief Financial Officer Roger Cregg will retire later this year once a successor is named.
The Bloomfield Hills-based company said it has hired the search firm Heidrick & Struggles to identify candidates to replace Cregg. The 54-year-old's departure date is uncertain, spokesman Travis Parman said.
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