Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Run and hide; the flu has arrived

The flu is here.
It’s late this year, but it’s here now. We are seeing lots of wretched masses in the clinic. The guy in exam room two was a typical influenza patient. High fever, chills, major body aches and wracking cough. Poor guy. He was really wishing he had gotten the flu shot. I was too, because now that he was sick, there wasn’t a lot I could do for him except recommend he stay in bed and take some stuff for his symptoms.
It is too late now for a flu shot to help you this year, but you still might be able to avoid this miserable disease.
Flu is short for influenza. It is a severe respiratory illness, far worse than a cold. There are other respiratory viruses that fall somewhere between these two extremes, but the flu is pretty classic with the symptoms mentioned above. It usually comes on rapidly and lays people flat for about a week, which is a drag when you have classes to attend and papers to write.
I’ll remind you in the fall about the benefits of getting a flu shot, but for now here’s my advice: If you get the flu, first of all, please stay home.
This is for your benefit and for the protection of others. You need the rest. We don’t have any medicines that kill the flu virus once you have it, so really the best you can do is basic body care so your immune system can clear the virus.
Sleep, drink lots of liquids, sleep some more. You can also take medicines for your symptoms, like cough syrups, fever-lowering drugs and decongestants.
But please use your basic good manners and don’t bring your germs to class or to the workplace. You can contact your professors or boss and let them know you are ill. Chances are, they will understand.
If you don’t have the flu, first of all, stay away from those who do.
Next, wash your hands a lot and keep them away from your face. The flu is passed in droplets. If someone coughs on their hand and touches a door knob just before you do, you can pick up the germ, which you can then pass to yourself when you rub your nose. Try not to touch your face without washing your hands first.
There is some evidence that zinc can help ward off the flu and other cold viruses. It comes in lozenges that dissolve slowly in your mouth. Also, certain herbs might be able to shorten and lighten the course of a cold or flu, like echinacea and astragalus.
Finally, of course, keeping your immune system strong by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating healthfully is always a good idea and can make the difference between wellness and illness.
Fingers crossed that you don’t end up like the guy in room two. But if you do, come see us!
Dr. Peggy Spencer has been a UNM Student Health physician for 17 years and a Daily Lobo contributing columnist for three years. E-mail your questions to her at Pspencer@unm.edu. All questions will be considered, and all questioners will remain anonymous. This column has general health information only and cannot replace a visit to a health provider.

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