Friday, January 28, 2011

At a Glance: Sara Lee's 2 new companies

Sara Lee Corp. announced Friday that it plans to split in two by early 2012.
Here how the two resulting companies would look:
SARA LEE: One group of business units will keep the name Sara Lee and be based where the company is now, in Downer's Grove, Ill. This group will consist mainly of Sara Lee's North American food service business and its food brands, including Sara Lee, Jimmy Dean, Ball Park, Hillshire Farm, Chef Pierre and State Fair.
COFFEECO: Company leaders are using the working name of CoffeeCo for the other half of the company, a group that includes Sara Lee's beverage and international bakery businesses, including the brands Douwe Egberts, Senseo, Pickwick, Maison du Cafe, L'OR, Cafe Pilao, Marcilla and Bimbo. This company may be based overseas.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, I love Sara Lee brands.
