Thursday, February 24, 2011

Larry King's live comedy tour. Yes, really.

"Larry King is taking his comedy on tour." Bet you never thought you'd read that sentence.
The former CNN prime-time talk-show host really and truly has announced he's embarking on a one-man comedy show about his life and career. Actually, King's father-in-law, Karl Engemann, is sending King on the road come April; Engemann's among the producers who made the announcement.
"Take my wife - please!" Times eight. Can't wait.
"I'm going to do comedy and talk about life," King said Wednesday night, appearing on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight."
The producers promise that this comedy tour will be a "hilarious and insightful look" at King's life, starting with his childhood as a "street-smart kid in Brooklyn" and continuing through his illustrious CNN show-hosting career as the guy who interviewed presidents, generals - and Paris Hilton and her Bible when she got out of the slammer, which we knew had to be a gag at the time, but no one would believe us.
And - we're in luck! One of his stops is the Hippodrome in Baltimore! On Friday, May 13!
"Larry King's style and wit will give audiences an evening to remember," the producers promised us in their announcement.
If you buy a ticket, as a member of the audience you will also have the "extraordinary opportunity to ask [your] own questions of the broadcast veteran (and now stand up comedian!) in a Q&A with Larry at each performance," the producers promise.
In case you are just coming out from under a flat rock, King spent 25 years hosting a talk show on CNN, stepping down just this past December because, he said at the time, he wanted to spend more time with his family.
CNN replaced King with Piers Morgan. And speaking of comedy, just last week, while attending the premiere of the opera "Anna Nicole" in London, King said he thought that CNN had oversold Morgan and that this is why Morgan's ratings have not been stellar. King also told the BBC last week that he thought Morgan was "good but not that dangerous."
"And you're going to be nice to me, aren't you, Larry?" Morgan asked King on Wednesday's "Piers Morgan Tonight," regarding the topics on King's tour.
"No, here's what I'll say about you: 'Piers Morgan is gentle, and sweet and not dangerous,' " King said.
"I wouldn't try that line in Britain if you go there. I don't think they'd buy it," Morgan said, lamely.
Waltzing O'Donnell?
Has "Dancing With the Stars" found its next polarizing political figure for its spring edition?
Christine O'Donnell, the "I'm not a witch" tea party candidate from Delaware who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in 2010, might be the one.
On her Facebook page, she has written:
"FACEBOOK EXCLUSIVE: I just got the Official 'Ask' from 'Dancing With The Stars'!! Although I am utterly flattered, my initial thought was to decline, as 2 year old nephew has more rhythm than me, and my two left feet!!"
Her many fans responded.
"Go for it girlfriend!" wrote one, speaking for all those who thought it was a good idea.
"The decision is simple: Go on the show and marginalize yourself even more. Don't and you maintain a valid voice in politics," wrote another, who has yet to appreciate the enormous exposure a political figure enjoys if he or she plays hoofer for the enjoyment of the more than 20 million people who watch this competition series. Assuming, of course, both the candidate's feet are not left.
This past fall, "Dancing" scored some record numbers when Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska governor and possible 2012 presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was among the competitors. Tea party bloggers boasted that they were getting out the bloc vote for Bristol, and the show also recorded its best-ever viewer-voting levels.
Getting back to O'Donnell:
After a couple of hundred had weighed in with their thoughts as to whether she should accept the "Dancing" gig, O'Donnell once again addressed her fans on Facebook:
"The facebook comments about 'Dancing w The Stars' list great pros and cons. Thank you for your input. Still undecided. Book comes first," she wrote.
O'Donnell had better wrap up that book quick - ABC's going to announce the show's new lineup of "celebrity" dancers Monday night, at the end of "The Bachelor." The spring edition of "Dancing" starts next month.
O'Donnell has already been a recurring performer, of sorts, on another TV series. In her youth, she was one of late-night talker Bill Maher's go-to conservative talking heads. While she was campaigning last year, Maher - on his weekly HBO series - made a running gag out of airing old O'Donnell clips every week. The footage included the clip in which she said she had dabbled in witchcraft. After Maher reran that clip, O'Donnell's camp felt compelled to produce her infamous "I'm not a witch" campaign ad. And the rest is history.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe Larry King doing comedy, he is so boring.
