Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judge says Lindsay Lohan’s going to the slammer

Lindsay Lohan is looking at jail time if she’s convicted of stealing a $25,000 necklace, an L.A. judge told the Hollywood hellcat yesterday.
“I don’t care that you are Lindsay Lohan,” Judge Keith Schwartz scolded the former child star. “This case does involve jail time, period. If you plead in front of me — if this case resolves in front of me — you are going to jail.”
Lohan, who came to court in a rather unfortunate choice of wardrobe — white pants and a cleavage-baring black top — could be looking at six months in the slammer, according to
The Tinseltown trainwreck has about two weeks to decide whether she will take a plea deal in the grand felony case. She’s due back in court on March 10. In the meantime, perhaps she should seek some counseling from Sen. Scott Brown.
Our junior senator told Talk Radio Network’s “America’s Morning News” that he thinks about Lohan “a lot.” Brown, who cops to shoplifting as a teenager in his new memoir “Against All Odds,” said he thinks he could talk some sense into the oft-rehabbed starlet.
“I often say, you know what, I wish I could have, like, 10 minutes with her and just sit her down and talk to her,” Brown said. “You just want to kinda go out and just talk to her and say, you know, ‘You can do better and be better.’ ’’
It could work...

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